Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chief Grey Eagle

Last of the Lakota Sioux War Chiefs  

Everyone knows the last great Indian War Chiefs lived and died in the 19th century and given modern times, there will likely be no more forever. Then came Chief Grey Eagle, a warrior who came from another time and place!  Yet he was also a powerful warrior and leader in the here and now. Chief Grey Eagle has had emblazoned upon his heart, mind and soul, the spirit of the Great War Chief of a long ago time. He would use his awesome leadership and commanding presence to mold the modern day Indian Nations and make of them a force with which to be reckoned. Join with us now as we travel to that time and place and meet Chief Grey Eagle, last of the Great Lakota Sioux War Chiefs.
There are those who believe the age of the Indian Warrior is long past - relegated to history. But the age of the mounted warrior riding across plains has yet another date with destiny. We travel to the Lakota Sioux Reservation, where a man-child has been born. Tradition says he was born of the bloodline of the greatest of the Lakota War Chiefs, and their spirit dwells within him. It is said of this man-child that he shall stand in two worlds, with feet of iron. This unique prophecy has come to complete fulfillment, howbeit in a most unlikely manner.He was known by his people as Grey Eagle, a name that was derived from the color of his eyes. While his lineage was that of full blood Lakota Sioux, his eyes somehow had turned out solid gray. His family lives among a spread of trees atop a high ridge, overlooking a large valley below, with mountains in the distance. The hawk and the eagle fly overhead and the young boy grew into manhood, amazed at their power. Young Grey Eagle was like all boys his age, but often he would break away from the group and walk alone. Sometimes his mother gazing off into the distance would find him, as if in a trance. His only response was, I shall be like unto them, for I am Grey Eagle!

A mother’s love understood that in some way her son was special. Even as a boy she knew, her son had the eyes of a warrior and a leader of men and she knew that someday her son would come to fulfill his destiny. His natural abilities seemed to be greater and stronger than other boys his age. He could see and hear with greater intensity, and his alertness was above those of his peers. It was his mother who gave him the name 'Grey Eagle' because she said; "he has the eyes of an eagle." While young Grey Eagle's father worked long hours and worked hard to provide the necessities of life. His mother often took time to walk and talk with her son, as they would stroll among the trees and high places. Places, said Grey Eagle, "where I can hear the wind talk to me."

As Grey Eagle grew into his teen years, he gained a great interest in the history of his people, and the great warrior leaders of the past. He also studied the ancient art of war, the bow and the lance. Soon the growing boy became an expert and was known among his people as a young warrior. Grey Eagle undoubtedly has the power of enormous commanding presence. The other boys never made fun of him or picked on him, for he seemed to literally dominate the situation, howbeit in the manor befitting the early prophesies spoken of him while still a child. Still regardless of his growing influence he was kind and mannerly.

When Grey Eagle turned 16 years of age, he attended a great pow-wow, a celebration of their tribal heritage and culture. The costumes and artifacts of his people were everywhere. But Grey Eagle's choice was to make every item according to the ancient ways of his people, and his work was most impressive.

It was on this particular occasion that Grey Eagle's life would completely change course. He had stopped along the way for refreshment when he met a soldier in uniform.
The soldier was an Army Major, a war veteran, and a member of the elite Special Forces. Many medals of valor covered his chest, and Grey Eagle thought to himself; here is a true warrior. He excused himself while asking to speak to the soldier, who was sitting alone. Afterward Grey Eagle made his decision; even at the age of 16 he had become an expert in the ancient Indian art of war. Now he must learn the way of the modern warrior. Grey Eagle was only 17 and 6 months when he graduated from High School, afterward he attended the Indian Junior College not far from his home.

Grey Eagle was still six months away from his 21st birthday when he walked into the Army Recruiting Office and sought to join. "I want to be in the Special Forces," he said! The Sergeant explained the process to him, that he would attend boot camp, then afterward if he were among the few qualified, he would be assigned to Special Forces Training. The young Indian Brave took the opportunity and greatly excelled as he went through boot camp: Time passed and he found himself wearing the insignia of the Special Forces. He then sought to attend Officer Training School and gain his commission, which happened just as he had hoped.

The years past and Grey Eagle was eventually promoted to the rank of captain when war broke out in the Middle East. Grey Eagle was ready, and he knew it. Since some time ago when he was a boy back on the reservation, he knew this moment would come and he was ready. He would prove himself and earn the title Lakota Sioux Warrior, the greatest among his people. The enemy paid dearly for waging a war, which involved Grey Eagle. Thousands of the enemy died at the hands of Grey Eagle, and even more of our own troops were spared from certain death. He return to the States in due course of time with his Chest covered with more medals of valor than were possessed by the Army Major that had impressed him so much when he was only 16 years of age.

During his tour of duty in the army, he had become a small arms weapons and tactical expert. He also became an expert at turning the enemy technology against them and he could even fool our own night scopes and heat detectors. Some of those who fought with him even boasted that he could turn invisible. Grey Eagle had done well in the Army Special Forces, and became the youngest Major in Army Special Forces history. Still, he knew this was but a prelude to what destiny had in store for him. Something more waited for him, and he intended on finding out the answer to life's question: "Why am I here?"

When Grey Eagle returned home, he was welcome by his tribe as a returning hero; throngs greeted him. His people were mesmerized by his presence and couldn't seem to get enough of him. Whispers began to circulate, likening him to Crazy Horse and the other Great War Chiefs of the past. It was at this time, when a delegation came knocking on his door, proposing that he seek to become a representative on the inter-tribal Council of the Indian Confederation. Tribal representatives came pleading with him to take a leadership position on the council. Grey Eagle did not say no, but first indicated he must be alone and consider the matter.

It was then, that Grey Eagle returned to the old familiar pathways of his youth. He spent his time in the woods and high places where he spent so much time during years gone by in meditation. It was night and the moon was full, the wind whispered among the leaves, and he could hear, as it were, a calling and a beckoning. It was at this time that he later claimed he saw a spirit come to him. The image of a Great Warrior Chief, and it said to him: "Grey Eagle - put on the robes of your forefathers, those of a War Chief and lead the Indian Nations.

The time has now come, and you are now ready; the spirit of all the Great Warrior Chiefs will be with you. Your eyes shall be their eyes, and their wisdom shall be your wisdom. You shall become the greatest among the Great Warrior Chiefs of all time. An Indian leader like unto you Grey Eagle has never arisen before, nor shall it be so again hereafter." The Great War Chief reached out his arms and handed Grey Eagle a bundle, wrapped in ancient buffalo hide, and tied with ceremonial cords. "Show no man its contents until you stand before the Indian Nations wearing what is therein. This shall be a sign unto you!" Then a great ‘war lance’ appeared in the spirits hand and he heaved it, so it stuck in the ground immediately before Grey Eagle. "When this lance is no more, your leadership will have ended, and you will depart in peace for it is the symbol of your power and authority."

The spirit of the Great Warrior Chief disappeared, and Grey Eagle was again standing alone. While he stood looking upon the lance he knew that what he had seen was not merely his imagination, but the truth. As he pondered where his life had brought him and what was in store for him, he felt a nudge at his back. Then a second nudge, even harder! As Grey Eagle turned, there stood before him a great white stallion, saddled with an Indian warrior's blanket. He had to know for sure if this horse was intended for him or merely a coincident! He mounted the beast and at that moment he knew. Grey Eagle then took hold of the lance, and holding it high in the air, he began to speak aloud as if speaking to the wind: "I am Grey Eagle, last of the Great Lakota War Chiefs. Now I have earned the title - warrior! I shall restore the greatness of the Indian Nations!"

Grey Eagle kept his plans quiet in heart for a while, indicating only that he desired a meeting of the inter-tribal confederation, to be accompanied by as many of the Indian Peoples as could travel to the appointed location. But Grey Eagle was not idle, for he had gained permission from the Park Service to hold the meeting in none other place than the Little Big Horn Battlefield. There must have been several hundred thousand people present that day, standing and seated upon the ground on a low quarter section of the battlefield. There was a gathering of tribal leaders from many of the Indian Nations at the top of the hill, Sioux, Blackfoot, Apache and Cherokee, just to name a few.

Everyone waited, and the crowd was so large, even the park service expressed concerns. But Grey Eagle, their hero, had called the meeting, the day was beautiful, and a cool breeze blew across the Black Hills. When the time finally came for him to make his appearance, he was seen riding over the ridge, as if descending out of a misty cloud. Grey Eagle - Indian War Chief and now Chief of all the Indian Nations! It was obvious to everyone who had gathered, he was not robed in a modern replica or look-alike costume, but in the real and legitimate robes of a powerful Lakota Sioux War Chief. He held the warrior's lance in his right hand, high and proud, as he rode up toward the top of the ridge. Pausing before the assembled tribal leaders, he threw the lance given to him by the Great Indian Warrior Spirit, so that it stuck in the ground before them; "Here is my answer," he said.
"I am Grey Eagle, Chief of the Indian Nations and last of the great Lakota War Chiefs."

This day the Indian Nations are restored to their ancient ways, and will be taught and governed by Chief Grey Eagle, who shall unite all the tribes of the Indian Nations, and restore their honor. "You shall speak these words to all the Indian Peoples! Let any man who thinks otherwise step forward and defend his claim according to our ancient customs." About then, a uniformed Park Ranger stepped forward, as if to take some kind of action. A Blackfoot Indian Warrior held out his arm to stop him: "I wouldn't do anything, if I were you." The Park Ranger quietly and without comment, stepped back into his place. The deed was done and history would record this moment as the time of honor and renewal of all the Indian Peoples.

Never had any man spoken such words of power, not since the days when the Lakota Sioux were as the blades of grass that spread across the Black Hills. Never had any among our people heard such words, and given with such authority. About that time an old Indian lady, well past 80 years of age, walked slowly up the ridge and stood before Chief Grey Eagle, looking up at him with tears streaming down her face. "I have waited for you Chief Grey Eagle, since the days of my youth, when they laughed at me saying; the great days are over. But you are here and now, it is time for me to depart in peace, for my life is fulfilled." The elderly lady slumped to the ground and died, there before Chief Grey Eagle, with a smile upon her face! Thus was born the last of the Great Indian War Chiefs, and greatest among the Lakota Sioux. And a leader of all the Indian Nations! The years of servitude and domination by the 'White Eyes' have come to an end!

God save the Confederacy


  1. Some will wonder why the Lakota Sioux in particular and the Indian Nations in general are being honored on what otherwise is a Confederate website. There are many reasons, among them stands the suffering inflicted upon a people whose only crime was defending their families, homes and people. Like the Confederate and Southern people they were arrogantly attacked! However in the process there was an ongoing attempt to literally drive them into extinction. Today these once brave and noble people have become dependants upon their conquerors, as a result they have become more like unto them then their own ancestors could have ever imagined. While my family is predominantly Celtic, there is none-the-less a branch, which is of the Blackfoot Indian Nation. It has been passed down to our generation that our forefathers rode with Chief Crazy Horse. Thus honors are herein rendered to them, whose enemies where the same people who invaded, conquered, subjugated and practiced cultural genocide against the Confederate and Southern People.

  2. I know this man that you have written about. How can I contact you?
    Thank you
