Sunday, January 13, 2019

Angel at My Door

The Messenger of God

"God governs in the affairs of man.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?  We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this.  I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building, no better than the builders of Babel" Constitutional Convention of 1787 - The original manuscript of this speech … Benjamin Franklin

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"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.  And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."  {Joel 2:28-29}.

The Look Back

It is Thursday 10 April 2014, but today’s date is not important in and of itself, rather it is what took place two years ago, a day that I can only describe as having increased my faith immeasurably, as well as my belief that the Confederate Cause at that time, stood on the very doorstep of victory. In any case, perhaps it is best to return to the beginning, back before the events described here took place! The two decades prior to the year 2012 saw the modern Confederate Cause, blossom with enthusiasm!  It appeared as if the movement would eventually unite under a single leadership, and grow into a true political cultural power block.

However early on the intellectuals broke away and formed their own separate organization, soon after others did likewise, and it all began to unwind. However, my confidence was increased when information, was revealed to me, and then sometime later certain details came to light. Particularly in regard to certain named individuals and organizations, which had been named in the mid-1970, could not possibly have been known, back 20 or 30 years before the events.

As the extreme summer heat of 2011 began to fade and the weather turned cooler with the coming of fall, there remained only a few among our numbers who held the vision. While at the same time, the other Confederate Organizations which had broken away so brazenly, were now deminished! My prayers went heavenward seeking an answer, "Why O’ Lord had we failed so completely?" The modern Confederate Cause, which I worked so hard to launch, had declined into a miniscule few of devoted, and now the outlook appeared bleak!

In effect the Confederate Cause was for the most part silent, and the vast majority stuck to their own small circle. Never realizing they were not serving the greater interest of the movement! It was as if time had haulted, and was standing still, as far as those things Confederate and Southern was concerned. I knew within myself, the coming election year of 2012 would be a tulmultious one, and at this early date in the campaign, it was not at all obious as to who would come out victorious. But then I did not fret, believing all these things were, as it were, stage props. Being put in their place, pending a curtain call, a great spectacle that was yet to come.

Confederate Armies Surrender

On Monday 10 April 1865 General Robert E. Lee issues his last general order at Appomattox Courthouse as a soldier, bidding an affectionate farewell to his troops, having surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, the day before. Lee’s surrender was at that time considered by the Union as in effect, the surrender of all Confederate Armies, therefore for them it meant the war had ended. One by one the other Confederate Armies either. themselves surrendered, or else disbanded! After observing the despotic treatment inflicted upon the now undefended Southern People at the hands of their occupation forces, General Lee soon regretted having surrendered his army.

The South’s beloved General Lee expressed these sentiments while speaking to Texas ex-Governor F. W. Stockdale, "Governor, if I had foreseen the use ‘these people’ desired to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox, no sir, not by me. Had I seen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in this right hand." Over the years I had turned over in my mind, times without number, those days at Appomattox, and of General Lee’s words regarding the surrender. It has never been in my view, a case of a long ago war, and a lost cause, but rather the entire series of events, which seemed to have happened only yesterday.

Often times on a clear evening when the sky was filled with stars and a bright moon, I would take a walk around my yard, pausing in the back yard, to think things over. There was a large tree there, which spread its branches over half the back yard! I loved that old tree and obviously an old friendly owl, held the same opinion. He would call out in middle of my thinking, Who-Who-Who, whereupon I would smile and reply to him, honestly Mr. Owl, I really don’t know who; the leader we seek, could be any body. Then while looking up at the quite neighborly old owl, I could see through a few of the branches at the stars and the moon, how they so gloriously light up the sky above me.

My wife and I had lived in this neighborhood for what would soon be 40 years, and it alternated between having large numbers of children of various ages round about, as well as various numbers in between, down to where there were none. A few times over the years the night was loud noises, filled with loud music and the like, but for some time now, there were few if any children roaming on the streets, and at this time there was little partying. And let me add, I don’t want to say that out loud, least everything change for the worse. But still, it was exceedingly quiet on this particular night, as I moved out from under the tree and away from my owl friend, walking into the open.

Looking up at the sky at the bright stars that lighted up the night in uncounted numbers and the full moon, I began to pray; "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, I find myself stuck between two situations, on the one hand I believe their is and most be a dynamic leader to come, while at the same time can’t help but question, who is this coming Confederate Leader? When will he arrive upon the scene and when will we know him? Am I engaging merely in wishful thinking, or is tis leader truly coming, coming as an inspiration of Heaven’s Grace? Give me a sign O’ Lord, that I will be more certain of the truth; Lord I believe, as described in Mark 9:24, but help me with my unbelief!
The Knock at the Door

The remainder of 2011 passed with little fanfare, the Confederate Cause was for the most part silent well into 2012, and I made a number of trips to my back yard, for a discussion with the Lord Jesus Christ, and more often then not it included a talk with my ole owl friend. The old owl kept asking if me ‘who’ and I kept telling him, I had no idea, not yet anyhow. But my owl friend went silent with the coming of cold nights and much cooler days, winter soon passed into spring, finally it was Tuesday 10 April 2012, a very pleasant day, and I spent a time working in the yard, but after a few hours rest, a bite to eat and the evening news, once more, with the coming of night, I needed to be alone with my thoughts.

My wife had long since become accustom to my habbits, and she knew all to well, where I was going and why! But tonight was different, I thought I heard a noise outside, maybe it was a knock at the door, and in any case it was my custom to investigate any unrecognizable noises. I live in a 60-foot mobile home, parked ‘length ways’ on our property, so it’s only about 55 to 60 feet distance to my back yard. But somehow I wanted to take the longer way around the front and opposite side then onward toward the back yard. It had rain a couple of day ago and it had been cloudy most of that day, and well into the night. But today the clouds had cleared away, and the ground was relatively dry.

The dew had not as yet set in, and the sky was once more crystal clear! As I slowly moseyed around the side yard, I prayed aloud in a low tone of voice, until I had reached the back yard. Upon arrival I just had to walk to the opposite side of the yard, and stand under our large tree! I thought to myself, I wander if that ole owl is up there in the tree, I smile to myself. I certainly hope so I thought, he is like a exceedingly old and dear friend, one of a precious few that makes sense these days. At least he asks the right question, who! As I gazed up into the tree looking for my friend, at first I saw nothing, then he stirred a wee bit, and I caught sight of my friend the owl, perched there in the moonlight. on one of the branches.

I can’t say for a certainty if this owl was the same one I heard, and saw last fall, but no matter! The owl turned his head from side to side just a week bit, then gave me that old familiar question, who, who! I have no ideas as to why he hadn’t appeared earlier this spring, but I was pleased to see him. I’d like to think the owl felt safe, and comfortable, knowing I was around the property, to watch over things! As I was looking up into the tree I prayed to the Lord, "Lord I said, thank you for this old owl, I know he’s is just a critter, but to me he’s like an dear friend, and it may be my imagination, but it seems like he listens to what I say."

Suddenly I heard a noise, like unto a whooshing sound, powerful and strong, I though I saw a bright light coming from behind me. Living as I do in a mobile home neighborhood, my first thoughts were of a potential fire, so my attention was drawn away from the owl in the tree, and I turned to face the open space in the yard just behind me. As I did so I was nearly blinded by the brightness of the light, which was now before me. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and focus, even then I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was an image, a being, and obviously a Heavenly being, an Angel of the Lord!

My knees suddenly felt week and I wanted to fall upon my face, but as my back and knees began to buckle slightly downward, the heavenly being began to speak. "Fear not O’ thou Son of the Confederacy, for I am a ‘Messenger from the Most High God’!" The Angel paused as if giving me time to gather myself, so I humbly ask of him, forgive me if I ask, but who are you, Michael, Gabriel or perhaps some other Angel, as described in the Holy Scriptures? My own height being only 5 foot 9 inches, the Angel towered above me! "I am Gabriel, who announced the birth of John the Baptist, as well as the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have come from the ‘Most High’ in order to announce to you, of one who is yet to come!" The Angel Gabriel again paused, so I humbly looked up at him so as to ask yet another question! I am not worthy, I said to this Heavenly Messenger, that you should appear to me, and I am humbled at your presence! The Angel Gabriel looked and listen to me as I spoke, then replied, "The Lord God Almighty has heard the anguished prayers of your forefathers and foremothers, prayers sent heavenward in sweat, blood and tears. He has combined their prayers with your own and has thus sent me to inform you, that a great leader, will arise among your numbers.

You shall receive a visit from this man, once the time draws near for him to make his presence known! This leader will be loved by a multitude of followers and friends. He shall also have powerful enemies, which shall fail in their attempts to destroy him." O’ Messenger of Almighty God, I said to Gabriel, tell me if you will, how shall I know him, how can I be certain that any particular man is the one spoken of? The Angel of God began to slowly arise from the ground, as he continued to answer my questions, "You will know him, whn he shall answers to his calling, with words and deeds!"

As the Angel ascended he began to fade from my view, until finally he was gone! I stood in my place quietly for a few moments, looking up in awe at what had taken place. Then after a while I turned and began to move away! I glanced up at our large old back yard tree one last time, at the vary place where my owl friend had previously been perched, and found that he had moved several branches down, and closer to me! He glanced down as I looked up at him; he somehow made an unusual sound for an owl, a kind of gargling sound. I noticed he didn’t say ‘who’ this time, so I look up at him again and said, "I know boy, I perceive that even though you are only a critter, you do somehow know that our visitor, was sent from the glorious realms of the Most High, the Almighty God.

My owl friend suddenly left the branch, upon which he was perched, flew away and began to circle the area immediately above where the Angel had ascended back into heaven. I looked up and called out to him, no my friend, he’s not here, he has departed! Then it came to me, with having spoken to an owl in a tree, and being visited by an Angel. Given the brightness and the noise these events must have caused, surely the neighbors would have heard something. Then after considering the situation, I answered my own question; what does it matter, as far as my Heavenly visitor is concerned, my neighbors would have ‘seen and heard’ only what the Angel wanted them to see and hear.

As to the owl, how many people talk to animals; dogs and cats are an excellent example? I turned and walked slowly back toward the further most porch at the front, endered of our Moble Home, giving thanks to the God of Glory, for the blessing he had bestowed upon me. Now my doubts have been washed away, still, it wasn’t long before the full impact of what had happened, began to sink in. Later my wife told me that I appeared to be dumb founded that night, as if in a daze, and had mumbled something about having been visited by an Angel from Heaven, the Angel Gabriel. As time passed I came to myself and realized; God has simply given me the answer to my prayer, which I had been seeking!

The Conclusion

A revival, which nearly everyone concerned believes, will turn out to be ‘God’s Last Alter Call’ upon this earth, before the coming Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation. This revival will affect every tribe and nation upon earth, in a mighty way, making one people, one culture and one faith, in Christ Jesus. While the Confederacy has not gained liberation as of this date, there is absolutely no doubt it will and come, and soon, inasmuch as the pendulum of power has alreadey begun to shift. The only ones that do not see whats coming, is the liberal, socialist politiftians, as well as those who put them in office.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. Our rightful President after the surrender of our Confederate Armies continued to be Jefferson Davis, and pending the independence of the Confederacy, followed by free elections, our constitution remains valid but suppressed by the occupation. The power to disband a sovereign nation and terminate its constitution has never been granted to a hostile foreign power, their President nor its Generals.
