Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Shortcut to Nowhere

A Quiet Place

The short story you are about to read is not fiction, it is true, it is retold here as it is remembered, and as it happened! The passing of years has made it all but impossible to retrace my steps, steps that lead to the location of a gravesite, where long before any of us were born, a Confederate Soldier died alone. As the scenario unfolded at the time, it became a certainty in my mind, as I observed the situation, that this soldier not only died alone, but was buried with honor by strangers, in a since overgrown gravesite at the edge of nowhere. Come with me, as together we travel back to that quite and forgotten place, wherein upon arrival, you will discover as I did, that time itself appears to stand in limbo, in this soldier’s memory.

A Confederate Soldier Died Alone!"

Click picture to enlarge

"In a quite place on the edge of nowhere, a Confederate Soldier died alone!" It was early June 1996, my wife, 13 year old granddaughter and myself decided we needed to get away; I was 55 years of age and still had a measure of that same energy that had been mine all my life. Energy that has since faded with the passing of time! The weather was beautiful as we headed up Highway 231 from Panama City on the Gulf Coast, toward Dothan in southeastern Alabama. Upon reaching Dothan we stopped to eat, then turned northeast onto Highway 52 spending the night at Columbia. The next morning we headed across the state line on Highway 27, crossing the Georgia State line!

We continued north bypassing Fort Benning and Columbus Georgia, and stopping in several small towns along the way, spending the night before reaching Atlanta. We were not on any particular schedule, just sight seeing and enjoying the countryside! We met numerous kind and friendly people and visited a several very interesting, sometimes out of the way places, places not normally on any tourist map. However we did visit a couple of places, which would be high on any tourist list, the Cyclorama in Atlanta and Stone Mountain, northeast of the city, where we spent an entire day.

Then we turned back towards town and caught Highway 9 north of Atlanta, connecting with 23, which then connects to 441 heading into the south central region of North Carolina. After making a stop, we turned west onto Highway 64 and this is where the unusual began to take place. We left the more populated area behind us and headed into the open country, it hadn’t been long afterward when I spotted an old white wooden sign with black letters. It was faded and worn with age, and it could just barely be read, the sign read ‘Confederate Graveyard’ an arrow pointed off to our right.

My wife spotted something just ahead, a smaller but still paved road leading back into the country, so we turn off Highway 64 onto this backcountry road and followed it for what must have been several miles. There wasn’t much traffic so I kept my speed at a low pace, so as to more easily see, any additional sign of a Confederate Graveyard. I thought to myself, how many roads are there like this one, which seems to turn off and lead to nothing but endless miles of nothing. When our granddaughter saw in the distance, off to our right hand side, what looked like a small rectangular wooded sign?

We slowed down until the sign came into focus, it was indeed a much smaller sign then the one back on Highway 64, and it pointed down a small dirt road, a road that was more like a driveway then a road. We slowed even more, gave our signal and turned off, only to find the road was overgrown to the point of being just barely passable. I shifted the car’s automatic transmission into granny gear, it having two choices for drive, I continued moving forward, all of us wanting to see where all this was leading. Soon we came to an exceedingly aged, vary wide wooden gate, held up by a set of huge old fashion hinges!

Posted on the center of the gate we found those same nearly unreadable words ‘Confederate Graveyard’ but this time some of the signs letters were missing, having either been warn away or chipped away by the wind. I looked in all directions, just to see if by chance anyone was about, but there was no one! My wife called out from the car saying, "We’ve came this far, we might as well go in and see the rest." I walked over, took hold and pulled up on the rusted latch that held the gate closed, as I swung the gate open it creaked in the worst sort of way, almost like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

There was a clearing before us, somewhat overgrown, but not unmanageable for the car we were driving! I drove through the open gate, stopped and turned off the engine! My wife, granddaughter and myself exited the car and stood looking off to the right hand side of the vehicle at an open field, a dilapidated old house stood on the far side, the paint long since warn away and it’s windows nearly all shattered and broken. I scanned the field looking for some sign that this was indeed a Confederate Graveyard, but at first glance I saw nothing.

Looking the second time, I then saw what looked like a stone, possibly the top of a grave marker, about 50 yards away, so I started toward it, my feet and legs pushing through the tall weeds. Finally I came upon a gravestone, after walking about and looking over the immediate area I attempted to stoop down, while trying to brush aside the weeds. My hands rubbed across the grave marker, as if attempting to wipe away the years, so as to see, if possible, what was written upon the stone. I fell upon my knees in prayer, "Dear God, this soldier died alone and without a friend.

I began to read to myself the words written on the stone, "Unknown Confederate Soldier" it said, and below these words was written, "He died alone." I look across the field toward the old house, thinking to myself that perhaps a man and his wife once live there, and might have tended this lone Confederate Soldier’s grave, until they themselves returned to the ground. I became so deep in my own thoughts and in prayer, I all but forgot, the ladies were waiting at the parked car, near the gate. But still the tears fell from my eyes, "no doubt this Soldier had a wife, brother, sister, mother or father back home.

Yet here this Confederate Soldier was laid to rest, with no one to mourn his passing, but if only a few words might have reached his loved ones, perhaps they might have come to him. What must he have suffered, his flesh torn in battle, it may have been raining that day, he would have been wet and hungry, with no where to turn. Then again, if only I could but roll back the pages of time, maybe I could tend his wounds, offer him a rain parka or blanket and some food, so as to comfort him in his final hour.

I thought to myself, I would give all that I own, even the remainder of my years upon this earth, if only I could but travel back in time and aid this Soldier. In modern times we even offer a dying criminal his final meal and a chance to give his last testimony, yet this Confederate Soldier who fought with honor, that he might drive the invader from our homeland, received none of these. "Dear Lord and Heavenly Master, did it have to come to this?" Just then I heard, as if far off in the distance, my wife calling, "its late in the day, we better be getting back on the road."

I stood to my feet and attempted to wipe away the tears, figuring I should do as my wife suggested and get going! As I walked away, I paused one last time, while turned around to speak, as if the Confederate Soldier buried where I was just kneeling could hear me; "My fellow soldier and patriot, the struggle continues, the cause for which you fought and died, is not lost, not yet, and you have not died in vein, my friend!" I walked slowly across the field back to where the car was parked, and together with my wife and granddaughter we headed for the car.

Standing by the open driver’s side door I scanned the area for the last time, my eyes focused on the top edge of the gravestone I had seen in the distance, upon arriving. I slid behind the wheel, started the car and drove through the open gate, and then I stopped just outside, existed and closed the gate, fastening it so it would appear the way it was upon our arrival in the area. Slowly we headed back onto the small paved country road, and returned to Highway 64, heading west, crossing the Smoky Mountains into Tennessee.

We eventually stopped in Murfreesboro then at the Shiloh Battlefield Park near Crump, just east of Memphis! Our ultimate destination was Jackson Tennessee, but the most memorable stop on our journey was an old Confederate Graveyard, and the place where I once knelt in prayer. Since that day my mind has drifted back on certain occasions, during times when I felt downhearted, thinking maybe it is just not worth all the trouble. Then I’d remember a quiet and lonely place located at the edge of nowhere, where a Confederate Soldier died alone.
A line of Scripture came to my mind, "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Some time after the event it came to my realization, there actually was someone standing alongside the Confederate Soldier that day so long ago, after all, it was Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. When the fullness of time has truly come, He will vindicate the Confederate Cause, for which that Soldier fought and died! And unlike so many other stories I’ve written, what you have just read is not fiction, it actually happened, and I will remember always, the time spend at a forgotten Confederate Graveyard.

God save the Confederacy

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Lost Regiment

 Somewhere down through the corridors of time!

History is not an absolute, but cause and effect: Change the cause and you alter the effect! What if a single decision or battle had went the other way? Perhaps an election had turned out differently!  Thus we as individuals are equally as capable of altering the future course of history by our activism, or lack thereof.  Imagine with us for a moment, certain historical events had indeed turned out otherwise!

Is it possible for a complete Confederate Army Regiment to have become lost in time. trapped somewhere between the past and the future? Somehow charging forever into a battle and a war, which was lost long ages ago?
Click Picture to Enlarge…….

A few among our numbers might place this tale in the category of a ghost story or else strange and unusual happenings, so see what you think.  It was just prior to 1 September 1864, Confederate Losses were heavy and it was obvious Atlanta would fall the evacuation was already underway. During the early hours before the actual fall of the city, an advance Confederate Regiment departed in order to serve as a forward guard for the evacuation.  The regiment was said to have passed through a thicket of trees and crossed a creek at the bottom of a gorge.  It was the wee hours of the morning, it was still dark and the fog was thick. The early morning fog, which was not unusual this time of year, would normally burn off in the heat of the day!

Up until this moment everything seemed normal enough, considering a horrible war was in progress.  It was however at this point the mystery began! Simply because the regiment of advance scouts was never heard from again and it was assumed they had been destroyed in battle.  However legend has it, the regiment was not destroyed but mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear from time to time in passing years.  Could this be the Lost Confederate Regiment of Georgia?   An unnamed source having been an eye witness and have spotted 'The Lost Confederate Regiment' while traveling through the State of Georgia, tells the story here in their own words.
At the head of the column we noted an unidentified Confederate Colonel, but none of the troops spoke, not even a word.  These troops seemed to be totally unaware of our presence! They appeared more like a lost image misplaced in time more then a reality. Like ghosts from a by-gone age lost along the corridors of time. Searching for the way back, searching for some sign of anything, which might be recognizable. It took quite a while for them to move out of the fog, across the creek and up and up from the gorge. My family didn't even look at each other, but continued staring at the spectacle before us.

How long the spectacle we saw lasted is not known, but we were so startled at what we had seen, the entire family didn't speak for a lengthy period of time.  My wife was the first to speak: "Did y'all see that?" Each of us answered in their turn and everyone agreed we did in fact see what we believe we had seen. We did not dream or imagine it and it was real; we really saw a 'Confederate Calvary Cannon' of regimental size, coming out of the fog, across the creek and up from the gorge.  We slowly walked back to the car, got inside, but did not drive off for a good while.

We first compared notes on what each had witnessed, after we had slowly came to ourselves. As we drove away we decided we'd stop at the nearest place we could find for breakfast or maybe a cup of coffee and a snack. As for myself, I had heard of a 'lost regiment' some years back, but always thought it was merely an exaggeration or the figment of someone's imagination, with no real basis in fact. But now I am certain, what we saw that day was the 'Lost Confederate Cavalry Regiment' advance scouts from the Battle of Atlanta."

Well there's the story; what do you think? Is the story true and is there a real 'Lost Confederate Cavalry Regiment' left over from the War for Confederate Independence?  Therefore out there somewhere there is a regiment that is still somehow roaming, searching and wandering through the corridors of time.  A regiment for whom The War is not over! Or is the whole story perhaps just another big whopper?   You decide! But a little caution is advisable should you be traveling the back roads of Georgia along the route of the evacuation.  Take special care during a night when the moon is bright and the sky is clear.
"Our party, had somehow by happen-chance, been following the evacuation route, taken by now 'The Lost Regiment' before the fall of Atlanta." Not being from the area, our eyewitness did not know the exact location of the events, which transpired and claimed only that they had turned off the freeway and down a two-lane country road, seeking a short cut form the freeway to a town not far away.  Thereby hoping to reach their destination before sunrise! Traveling at night was not their usual custom, but the urgency of their situation compelled them to hurry along rather then wait until sunrise.

It was between 2:00 and 3:00 A.M., the moon was bright and the sky clear.  Here is the story in the words of our eyewitnesses!  "We had driven down this two lane road for maybe an hour, when we came over the crest of a hill and slowed the car down almost to a creep, having seen a low lying area before us.  There was a dense fog hugging what was obviously a creek running across the roadway. The creek was set in a gorge and we had to drive through an almost solid sheet of white, across what turned out to be a narrow bridge. We were scarcely over the crest of the hill when we spotted something off to the left hand side of the road, which seemed like a glowing light.  The sight was so strange there was no way we could avoid the temptation to stop and investigate, so we looked for a place where we could pull off to the side of the road.  There was a clearing on the right hand side!
Obviously many motorists had parked here over the years, given the tread marks just off the road.  As we slowly came to a stop, we all exited the car ever so slowly:  My wife, myself as well as my son age eleven and my daughters age nine. Not knowing what to expect we walked very quietly toward the left side of the road, looking in the same direction where we had spotted the glowing light a few moments before.

For a moment all we could see was darkness and little else, but still something seemed very creepy!  We all stood their gazing in awe!  Our family had visited several of the battlefield parks and had watched the reenactments, but this was obviously no reenactment. Just about then, out of the fog came what was obviously a cavalry regiment from The War. They couldn't have been more the 20 yards in front of us and off the road! They wore tattered, dirty and worn uniforms of various mixes of gray and butternut. All the accoutrements of war were present, including muskets, pistols, wagons and a few cannon and several hundred of these troops were infantry!
Be sure to drive slowly when passing over the crest of the next lonely country hillside, on those forgotten backcountry roads. Listen for the sounds cannon, wagons and troops on the march along the way!  You just might come across the 'Lost Confederate Cavalry Regiment' still roaming through the corridors of time looking for the way back to their intended route.  Is there a place which exists somewhere beyond our five senses in a kind of unknown dimension? Is it possible that for some strange reason we cannot understand a natural door opens, perhaps a rip if the fabric of time and space?

Could it be that in some mysterious way the 'Lost Georgia Regiment' entered a fog bank and became lost along the corridors of time and space? The normal and expected answer is that such things don't exist except in the imagination! Still make this same claim when have turned down some forgotten road in the backcountry of Georgia in search of a short cut home. Then re-state your beliefs after descending from the crest in the road into a fog bank at the bottom of the gorge. Roll down your window and listen and perhaps you will hear the sound of cannon, wagons and infantry on the move.  You will hear the sounds, which are as out of place and time as the 'Lost Regiment of Georgia.'
God save the Confederacy

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Truth Crushed to Earth

Will Ultimately Rise Again ...

This quote by President Jefferson Davis, holds a profound truth in itself.  Especially in todays world, where regretfully for so many Democrats, there party has become a 'Hate and Resistance Party'.  Among the persistant truths, is the false presentation of the Confederate Cause, and the nation it represents.

Click to enlarge picture
Among the untruths of history, is that The War was fought to end slavery, when the North imported slaves, and sold them to Southern.  And the slave issue didn't arise until mid-way through the war.  Only then. because the Union feared loosing The War!  Additionally, the Confederacy itself planned to educate the blacks, and in reasonable time free them, and Abraham LIncoln new as much.
The right solemnly proclaimed at the birth of the States, and which has been affirmed and reaffirmed in the bills of rights of the States subsequently admitted into the Union of 1789, undeniably recognizes in the people the power to resume the authority delegated for the purposes of Government. ... Jefferson Davis

Click picture to enlarge
Fact, the only mass graves of slaves, were found in the north, not the south.  Also a third of Southern Plantations, were owned by free black men, who themselved owned slaves.  Additionally, only three percent of adult Southerners owned slaves!

God save the Confederacy

Friday, January 18, 2019

General John Hunt Morgan

John Hunt Morgan (June 1, 1825 – September 4, 1864) was a Confederate General in the War for Confederate Independence.  .
In April 1862, he raised the 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, fought at Shiloh, and then launched a costly raid in Kentucky, which encouraged Braxton Bragg's invasion of that state. He also attacked the supply-lines of General William Rosecrans. In July 1863, he set out on a 1,000-mile raid into Indiana and Ohio, taking hundreds of prisoners. But after most of his men had been intercepted by Union gunboats, Morgan surrendered at Salineville, Ohio, the northernmost point ever reached by uniformed Confederates. The legendary "Morgan's Raid", which had been carried out against orders, gained no tactical advantage for the Confederacy, while the loss of his regiment proved a serious setback.
Morgan escaped from his Union prison but his credibility was low, and he was restricted to minor operations. He was killed at Greeneville, Tennessee, in September 1864. Morgan was the brother-in-law of Confederate general A.P. Hill.

Service during The War

Former location of John Hunt Morgan Memorial in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Like most Kentuckians, Morgan did not initially support secession. Immediately after Lincoln's election in November 1860, he wrote to his brother, Thomas Hunt Morgan, then a student at Kenyon College in northern Ohio, "Our State will not I hope secede I have no doubt but Lincoln will make a good President, at least we ought to give him a fair trial & then if he commits some over act all the South will be a unit." By the following spring, Tom Morgan (who also had opposed Kentucky's secession) had transferred home to the Kentucky Military Institute and there began to support the Confederacy. Just before the Fourth of July, by way of a steamer from Louisville, he quietly left for Camp Boone, just across the Tennessee border, to enlist in the Kentucky State Guard. John stayed at home in Lexington to tend to his troubled business and his ailing wife. Becky Morgan finally died on July 21, 1861.[7]
In September, Captain Morgan and his militia company went to Tennessee and joined the Confederate States Army. . Morgan soon raised the 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Regiment and became its colonel on April 4, 1862.[1]
Morgan and his cavalrymen fought at the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862, and he soon became a symbol to secessionist in their hopes for obtaining Kentucky for the Confederacy. A Louisiana writer, Robert D. Patrick, compared Morgan to Francis Marion and wrote that "a few thousands of such men as his would regain us Kentucky and Tennessee."
In his first Kentucky raid, Morgan left Knoxville  on July 4, 1862, with almost 900 men and in three weeks swept through Kentucky, deep in the rear of Major General Don Carios Buell's army. He reported the capture of 1,200 Federal soldiers, whom he paroled, acquired several hundred horses, and destroyed massive quantities of supplies.[8] He unnerved Kentucky's Union military government, and President Abraham Lincoln received so many frantic appeals for help that he complained that "they are having a stampede in Kentucky." Historian Kenneth W. Noe wrote that Morgan's feat "in many ways surpassed  J.E.B. Stuart's celebrated 'Ride around McClellan' and the Army of the Potomac the previous spring." The success of Morgan's raid was one of the key reasons that the Confederate Heartland Offensive of Braxton Bragg and Edmund Kirby Smith was launched later that fall, assuming that tens of thousands of Kentuckians would enlist in the Confederate Army if they invaded the state.[9]
As a colonel, he was presented with a Palmetto Armory pistol by the widow of Brigadier General Barnard Elliott Bee Jr.  That pistol is now owned by the Museum of the American Civil War.
Morgan was promoted to Brigadier General (his highest rank) on December 11, 1862, though the Promotion Orders were not signed by President Davis until December 14, 1862.[1] He received the thanks of the Confederate Congress on May 1, 1863, for his raids on the supply lines of Union Major General William S. Rosecrans in December and January, most notably his victory at the Battle of Hartsville on December 7.[10]
On December 14,1862, Morgan married Martha "Mattie" Ready, the daughter of Tennessee United States Representative Charles Ready and a cousin of William T. Haskell, another former U.S. representative from Tennessee..

God save the Confederacy 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chief Grey Eagle

Last of the Lakota Sioux War Chiefs  

Everyone knows the last great Indian War Chiefs lived and died in the 19th century and given modern times, there will likely be no more forever. Then came Chief Grey Eagle, a warrior who came from another time and place!  Yet he was also a powerful warrior and leader in the here and now. Chief Grey Eagle has had emblazoned upon his heart, mind and soul, the spirit of the Great War Chief of a long ago time. He would use his awesome leadership and commanding presence to mold the modern day Indian Nations and make of them a force with which to be reckoned. Join with us now as we travel to that time and place and meet Chief Grey Eagle, last of the Great Lakota Sioux War Chiefs.
There are those who believe the age of the Indian Warrior is long past - relegated to history. But the age of the mounted warrior riding across plains has yet another date with destiny. We travel to the Lakota Sioux Reservation, where a man-child has been born. Tradition says he was born of the bloodline of the greatest of the Lakota War Chiefs, and their spirit dwells within him. It is said of this man-child that he shall stand in two worlds, with feet of iron. This unique prophecy has come to complete fulfillment, howbeit in a most unlikely manner.He was known by his people as Grey Eagle, a name that was derived from the color of his eyes. While his lineage was that of full blood Lakota Sioux, his eyes somehow had turned out solid gray. His family lives among a spread of trees atop a high ridge, overlooking a large valley below, with mountains in the distance. The hawk and the eagle fly overhead and the young boy grew into manhood, amazed at their power. Young Grey Eagle was like all boys his age, but often he would break away from the group and walk alone. Sometimes his mother gazing off into the distance would find him, as if in a trance. His only response was, I shall be like unto them, for I am Grey Eagle!

A mother’s love understood that in some way her son was special. Even as a boy she knew, her son had the eyes of a warrior and a leader of men and she knew that someday her son would come to fulfill his destiny. His natural abilities seemed to be greater and stronger than other boys his age. He could see and hear with greater intensity, and his alertness was above those of his peers. It was his mother who gave him the name 'Grey Eagle' because she said; "he has the eyes of an eagle." While young Grey Eagle's father worked long hours and worked hard to provide the necessities of life. His mother often took time to walk and talk with her son, as they would stroll among the trees and high places. Places, said Grey Eagle, "where I can hear the wind talk to me."

As Grey Eagle grew into his teen years, he gained a great interest in the history of his people, and the great warrior leaders of the past. He also studied the ancient art of war, the bow and the lance. Soon the growing boy became an expert and was known among his people as a young warrior. Grey Eagle undoubtedly has the power of enormous commanding presence. The other boys never made fun of him or picked on him, for he seemed to literally dominate the situation, howbeit in the manor befitting the early prophesies spoken of him while still a child. Still regardless of his growing influence he was kind and mannerly.

When Grey Eagle turned 16 years of age, he attended a great pow-wow, a celebration of their tribal heritage and culture. The costumes and artifacts of his people were everywhere. But Grey Eagle's choice was to make every item according to the ancient ways of his people, and his work was most impressive.

It was on this particular occasion that Grey Eagle's life would completely change course. He had stopped along the way for refreshment when he met a soldier in uniform.
The soldier was an Army Major, a war veteran, and a member of the elite Special Forces. Many medals of valor covered his chest, and Grey Eagle thought to himself; here is a true warrior. He excused himself while asking to speak to the soldier, who was sitting alone. Afterward Grey Eagle made his decision; even at the age of 16 he had become an expert in the ancient Indian art of war. Now he must learn the way of the modern warrior. Grey Eagle was only 17 and 6 months when he graduated from High School, afterward he attended the Indian Junior College not far from his home.

Grey Eagle was still six months away from his 21st birthday when he walked into the Army Recruiting Office and sought to join. "I want to be in the Special Forces," he said! The Sergeant explained the process to him, that he would attend boot camp, then afterward if he were among the few qualified, he would be assigned to Special Forces Training. The young Indian Brave took the opportunity and greatly excelled as he went through boot camp: Time passed and he found himself wearing the insignia of the Special Forces. He then sought to attend Officer Training School and gain his commission, which happened just as he had hoped.

The years past and Grey Eagle was eventually promoted to the rank of captain when war broke out in the Middle East. Grey Eagle was ready, and he knew it. Since some time ago when he was a boy back on the reservation, he knew this moment would come and he was ready. He would prove himself and earn the title Lakota Sioux Warrior, the greatest among his people. The enemy paid dearly for waging a war, which involved Grey Eagle. Thousands of the enemy died at the hands of Grey Eagle, and even more of our own troops were spared from certain death. He return to the States in due course of time with his Chest covered with more medals of valor than were possessed by the Army Major that had impressed him so much when he was only 16 years of age.

During his tour of duty in the army, he had become a small arms weapons and tactical expert. He also became an expert at turning the enemy technology against them and he could even fool our own night scopes and heat detectors. Some of those who fought with him even boasted that he could turn invisible. Grey Eagle had done well in the Army Special Forces, and became the youngest Major in Army Special Forces history. Still, he knew this was but a prelude to what destiny had in store for him. Something more waited for him, and he intended on finding out the answer to life's question: "Why am I here?"

When Grey Eagle returned home, he was welcome by his tribe as a returning hero; throngs greeted him. His people were mesmerized by his presence and couldn't seem to get enough of him. Whispers began to circulate, likening him to Crazy Horse and the other Great War Chiefs of the past. It was at this time, when a delegation came knocking on his door, proposing that he seek to become a representative on the inter-tribal Council of the Indian Confederation. Tribal representatives came pleading with him to take a leadership position on the council. Grey Eagle did not say no, but first indicated he must be alone and consider the matter.

It was then, that Grey Eagle returned to the old familiar pathways of his youth. He spent his time in the woods and high places where he spent so much time during years gone by in meditation. It was night and the moon was full, the wind whispered among the leaves, and he could hear, as it were, a calling and a beckoning. It was at this time that he later claimed he saw a spirit come to him. The image of a Great Warrior Chief, and it said to him: "Grey Eagle - put on the robes of your forefathers, those of a War Chief and lead the Indian Nations.

The time has now come, and you are now ready; the spirit of all the Great Warrior Chiefs will be with you. Your eyes shall be their eyes, and their wisdom shall be your wisdom. You shall become the greatest among the Great Warrior Chiefs of all time. An Indian leader like unto you Grey Eagle has never arisen before, nor shall it be so again hereafter." The Great War Chief reached out his arms and handed Grey Eagle a bundle, wrapped in ancient buffalo hide, and tied with ceremonial cords. "Show no man its contents until you stand before the Indian Nations wearing what is therein. This shall be a sign unto you!" Then a great ‘war lance’ appeared in the spirits hand and he heaved it, so it stuck in the ground immediately before Grey Eagle. "When this lance is no more, your leadership will have ended, and you will depart in peace for it is the symbol of your power and authority."

The spirit of the Great Warrior Chief disappeared, and Grey Eagle was again standing alone. While he stood looking upon the lance he knew that what he had seen was not merely his imagination, but the truth. As he pondered where his life had brought him and what was in store for him, he felt a nudge at his back. Then a second nudge, even harder! As Grey Eagle turned, there stood before him a great white stallion, saddled with an Indian warrior's blanket. He had to know for sure if this horse was intended for him or merely a coincident! He mounted the beast and at that moment he knew. Grey Eagle then took hold of the lance, and holding it high in the air, he began to speak aloud as if speaking to the wind: "I am Grey Eagle, last of the Great Lakota War Chiefs. Now I have earned the title - warrior! I shall restore the greatness of the Indian Nations!"

Grey Eagle kept his plans quiet in heart for a while, indicating only that he desired a meeting of the inter-tribal confederation, to be accompanied by as many of the Indian Peoples as could travel to the appointed location. But Grey Eagle was not idle, for he had gained permission from the Park Service to hold the meeting in none other place than the Little Big Horn Battlefield. There must have been several hundred thousand people present that day, standing and seated upon the ground on a low quarter section of the battlefield. There was a gathering of tribal leaders from many of the Indian Nations at the top of the hill, Sioux, Blackfoot, Apache and Cherokee, just to name a few.

Everyone waited, and the crowd was so large, even the park service expressed concerns. But Grey Eagle, their hero, had called the meeting, the day was beautiful, and a cool breeze blew across the Black Hills. When the time finally came for him to make his appearance, he was seen riding over the ridge, as if descending out of a misty cloud. Grey Eagle - Indian War Chief and now Chief of all the Indian Nations! It was obvious to everyone who had gathered, he was not robed in a modern replica or look-alike costume, but in the real and legitimate robes of a powerful Lakota Sioux War Chief. He held the warrior's lance in his right hand, high and proud, as he rode up toward the top of the ridge. Pausing before the assembled tribal leaders, he threw the lance given to him by the Great Indian Warrior Spirit, so that it stuck in the ground before them; "Here is my answer," he said.
"I am Grey Eagle, Chief of the Indian Nations and last of the great Lakota War Chiefs."

This day the Indian Nations are restored to their ancient ways, and will be taught and governed by Chief Grey Eagle, who shall unite all the tribes of the Indian Nations, and restore their honor. "You shall speak these words to all the Indian Peoples! Let any man who thinks otherwise step forward and defend his claim according to our ancient customs." About then, a uniformed Park Ranger stepped forward, as if to take some kind of action. A Blackfoot Indian Warrior held out his arm to stop him: "I wouldn't do anything, if I were you." The Park Ranger quietly and without comment, stepped back into his place. The deed was done and history would record this moment as the time of honor and renewal of all the Indian Peoples.

Never had any man spoken such words of power, not since the days when the Lakota Sioux were as the blades of grass that spread across the Black Hills. Never had any among our people heard such words, and given with such authority. About that time an old Indian lady, well past 80 years of age, walked slowly up the ridge and stood before Chief Grey Eagle, looking up at him with tears streaming down her face. "I have waited for you Chief Grey Eagle, since the days of my youth, when they laughed at me saying; the great days are over. But you are here and now, it is time for me to depart in peace, for my life is fulfilled." The elderly lady slumped to the ground and died, there before Chief Grey Eagle, with a smile upon her face! Thus was born the last of the Great Indian War Chiefs, and greatest among the Lakota Sioux. And a leader of all the Indian Nations! The years of servitude and domination by the 'White Eyes' have come to an end!

God save the Confederacy

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Angel at My Door

The Messenger of God

"God governs in the affairs of man.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?  We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this.  I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building, no better than the builders of Babel" Constitutional Convention of 1787 - The original manuscript of this speech … Benjamin Franklin

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"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.  And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."  {Joel 2:28-29}.

The Look Back

It is Thursday 10 April 2014, but today’s date is not important in and of itself, rather it is what took place two years ago, a day that I can only describe as having increased my faith immeasurably, as well as my belief that the Confederate Cause at that time, stood on the very doorstep of victory. In any case, perhaps it is best to return to the beginning, back before the events described here took place! The two decades prior to the year 2012 saw the modern Confederate Cause, blossom with enthusiasm!  It appeared as if the movement would eventually unite under a single leadership, and grow into a true political cultural power block.

However early on the intellectuals broke away and formed their own separate organization, soon after others did likewise, and it all began to unwind. However, my confidence was increased when information, was revealed to me, and then sometime later certain details came to light. Particularly in regard to certain named individuals and organizations, which had been named in the mid-1970, could not possibly have been known, back 20 or 30 years before the events.

As the extreme summer heat of 2011 began to fade and the weather turned cooler with the coming of fall, there remained only a few among our numbers who held the vision. While at the same time, the other Confederate Organizations which had broken away so brazenly, were now deminished! My prayers went heavenward seeking an answer, "Why O’ Lord had we failed so completely?" The modern Confederate Cause, which I worked so hard to launch, had declined into a miniscule few of devoted, and now the outlook appeared bleak!

In effect the Confederate Cause was for the most part silent, and the vast majority stuck to their own small circle. Never realizing they were not serving the greater interest of the movement! It was as if time had haulted, and was standing still, as far as those things Confederate and Southern was concerned. I knew within myself, the coming election year of 2012 would be a tulmultious one, and at this early date in the campaign, it was not at all obious as to who would come out victorious. But then I did not fret, believing all these things were, as it were, stage props. Being put in their place, pending a curtain call, a great spectacle that was yet to come.

Confederate Armies Surrender

On Monday 10 April 1865 General Robert E. Lee issues his last general order at Appomattox Courthouse as a soldier, bidding an affectionate farewell to his troops, having surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, the day before. Lee’s surrender was at that time considered by the Union as in effect, the surrender of all Confederate Armies, therefore for them it meant the war had ended. One by one the other Confederate Armies either. themselves surrendered, or else disbanded! After observing the despotic treatment inflicted upon the now undefended Southern People at the hands of their occupation forces, General Lee soon regretted having surrendered his army.

The South’s beloved General Lee expressed these sentiments while speaking to Texas ex-Governor F. W. Stockdale, "Governor, if I had foreseen the use ‘these people’ desired to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox, no sir, not by me. Had I seen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in this right hand." Over the years I had turned over in my mind, times without number, those days at Appomattox, and of General Lee’s words regarding the surrender. It has never been in my view, a case of a long ago war, and a lost cause, but rather the entire series of events, which seemed to have happened only yesterday.

Often times on a clear evening when the sky was filled with stars and a bright moon, I would take a walk around my yard, pausing in the back yard, to think things over. There was a large tree there, which spread its branches over half the back yard! I loved that old tree and obviously an old friendly owl, held the same opinion. He would call out in middle of my thinking, Who-Who-Who, whereupon I would smile and reply to him, honestly Mr. Owl, I really don’t know who; the leader we seek, could be any body. Then while looking up at the quite neighborly old owl, I could see through a few of the branches at the stars and the moon, how they so gloriously light up the sky above me.

My wife and I had lived in this neighborhood for what would soon be 40 years, and it alternated between having large numbers of children of various ages round about, as well as various numbers in between, down to where there were none. A few times over the years the night was loud noises, filled with loud music and the like, but for some time now, there were few if any children roaming on the streets, and at this time there was little partying. And let me add, I don’t want to say that out loud, least everything change for the worse. But still, it was exceedingly quiet on this particular night, as I moved out from under the tree and away from my owl friend, walking into the open.

Looking up at the sky at the bright stars that lighted up the night in uncounted numbers and the full moon, I began to pray; "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, I find myself stuck between two situations, on the one hand I believe their is and most be a dynamic leader to come, while at the same time can’t help but question, who is this coming Confederate Leader? When will he arrive upon the scene and when will we know him? Am I engaging merely in wishful thinking, or is tis leader truly coming, coming as an inspiration of Heaven’s Grace? Give me a sign O’ Lord, that I will be more certain of the truth; Lord I believe, as described in Mark 9:24, but help me with my unbelief!
The Knock at the Door

The remainder of 2011 passed with little fanfare, the Confederate Cause was for the most part silent well into 2012, and I made a number of trips to my back yard, for a discussion with the Lord Jesus Christ, and more often then not it included a talk with my ole owl friend. The old owl kept asking if me ‘who’ and I kept telling him, I had no idea, not yet anyhow. But my owl friend went silent with the coming of cold nights and much cooler days, winter soon passed into spring, finally it was Tuesday 10 April 2012, a very pleasant day, and I spent a time working in the yard, but after a few hours rest, a bite to eat and the evening news, once more, with the coming of night, I needed to be alone with my thoughts.

My wife had long since become accustom to my habbits, and she knew all to well, where I was going and why! But tonight was different, I thought I heard a noise outside, maybe it was a knock at the door, and in any case it was my custom to investigate any unrecognizable noises. I live in a 60-foot mobile home, parked ‘length ways’ on our property, so it’s only about 55 to 60 feet distance to my back yard. But somehow I wanted to take the longer way around the front and opposite side then onward toward the back yard. It had rain a couple of day ago and it had been cloudy most of that day, and well into the night. But today the clouds had cleared away, and the ground was relatively dry.

The dew had not as yet set in, and the sky was once more crystal clear! As I slowly moseyed around the side yard, I prayed aloud in a low tone of voice, until I had reached the back yard. Upon arrival I just had to walk to the opposite side of the yard, and stand under our large tree! I thought to myself, I wander if that ole owl is up there in the tree, I smile to myself. I certainly hope so I thought, he is like a exceedingly old and dear friend, one of a precious few that makes sense these days. At least he asks the right question, who! As I gazed up into the tree looking for my friend, at first I saw nothing, then he stirred a wee bit, and I caught sight of my friend the owl, perched there in the moonlight. on one of the branches.

I can’t say for a certainty if this owl was the same one I heard, and saw last fall, but no matter! The owl turned his head from side to side just a week bit, then gave me that old familiar question, who, who! I have no ideas as to why he hadn’t appeared earlier this spring, but I was pleased to see him. I’d like to think the owl felt safe, and comfortable, knowing I was around the property, to watch over things! As I was looking up into the tree I prayed to the Lord, "Lord I said, thank you for this old owl, I know he’s is just a critter, but to me he’s like an dear friend, and it may be my imagination, but it seems like he listens to what I say."

Suddenly I heard a noise, like unto a whooshing sound, powerful and strong, I though I saw a bright light coming from behind me. Living as I do in a mobile home neighborhood, my first thoughts were of a potential fire, so my attention was drawn away from the owl in the tree, and I turned to face the open space in the yard just behind me. As I did so I was nearly blinded by the brightness of the light, which was now before me. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and focus, even then I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was an image, a being, and obviously a Heavenly being, an Angel of the Lord!

My knees suddenly felt week and I wanted to fall upon my face, but as my back and knees began to buckle slightly downward, the heavenly being began to speak. "Fear not O’ thou Son of the Confederacy, for I am a ‘Messenger from the Most High God’!" The Angel paused as if giving me time to gather myself, so I humbly ask of him, forgive me if I ask, but who are you, Michael, Gabriel or perhaps some other Angel, as described in the Holy Scriptures? My own height being only 5 foot 9 inches, the Angel towered above me! "I am Gabriel, who announced the birth of John the Baptist, as well as the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have come from the ‘Most High’ in order to announce to you, of one who is yet to come!" The Angel Gabriel again paused, so I humbly looked up at him so as to ask yet another question! I am not worthy, I said to this Heavenly Messenger, that you should appear to me, and I am humbled at your presence! The Angel Gabriel looked and listen to me as I spoke, then replied, "The Lord God Almighty has heard the anguished prayers of your forefathers and foremothers, prayers sent heavenward in sweat, blood and tears. He has combined their prayers with your own and has thus sent me to inform you, that a great leader, will arise among your numbers.

You shall receive a visit from this man, once the time draws near for him to make his presence known! This leader will be loved by a multitude of followers and friends. He shall also have powerful enemies, which shall fail in their attempts to destroy him." O’ Messenger of Almighty God, I said to Gabriel, tell me if you will, how shall I know him, how can I be certain that any particular man is the one spoken of? The Angel of God began to slowly arise from the ground, as he continued to answer my questions, "You will know him, whn he shall answers to his calling, with words and deeds!"

As the Angel ascended he began to fade from my view, until finally he was gone! I stood in my place quietly for a few moments, looking up in awe at what had taken place. Then after a while I turned and began to move away! I glanced up at our large old back yard tree one last time, at the vary place where my owl friend had previously been perched, and found that he had moved several branches down, and closer to me! He glanced down as I looked up at him; he somehow made an unusual sound for an owl, a kind of gargling sound. I noticed he didn’t say ‘who’ this time, so I look up at him again and said, "I know boy, I perceive that even though you are only a critter, you do somehow know that our visitor, was sent from the glorious realms of the Most High, the Almighty God.

My owl friend suddenly left the branch, upon which he was perched, flew away and began to circle the area immediately above where the Angel had ascended back into heaven. I looked up and called out to him, no my friend, he’s not here, he has departed! Then it came to me, with having spoken to an owl in a tree, and being visited by an Angel. Given the brightness and the noise these events must have caused, surely the neighbors would have heard something. Then after considering the situation, I answered my own question; what does it matter, as far as my Heavenly visitor is concerned, my neighbors would have ‘seen and heard’ only what the Angel wanted them to see and hear.

As to the owl, how many people talk to animals; dogs and cats are an excellent example? I turned and walked slowly back toward the further most porch at the front, endered of our Moble Home, giving thanks to the God of Glory, for the blessing he had bestowed upon me. Now my doubts have been washed away, still, it wasn’t long before the full impact of what had happened, began to sink in. Later my wife told me that I appeared to be dumb founded that night, as if in a daze, and had mumbled something about having been visited by an Angel from Heaven, the Angel Gabriel. As time passed I came to myself and realized; God has simply given me the answer to my prayer, which I had been seeking!

The Conclusion

A revival, which nearly everyone concerned believes, will turn out to be ‘God’s Last Alter Call’ upon this earth, before the coming Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation. This revival will affect every tribe and nation upon earth, in a mighty way, making one people, one culture and one faith, in Christ Jesus. While the Confederacy has not gained liberation as of this date, there is absolutely no doubt it will and come, and soon, inasmuch as the pendulum of power has alreadey begun to shift. The only ones that do not see whats coming, is the liberal, socialist politiftians, as well as those who put them in office.

God save the Confederacy